I’m a Lake Tahoe based wedding and portrait photographer, and fan of unposed, giddy-in-love, melt-my-lenses-editorial-style moments … oh, and t-shirts and jeans.
At home with the Valim family in Reno, Nevada as they welcome their baby boy into the world.
At home with the Sutherland family, following the arrival of their precious little man! Big sister was certainly ready for the new title! Cozy and cuddly, here’s a glimpse into our time together…
Well, it’s been almost 5 months and this is the first official intro of our little man, Wesley Benton, to the blog. It’s rather fitting that today is his late great grandfather’s, Leonard Wilson, birthday. Wesley’s name was plucked from our family tree and Leonard’s father’s name was…. Wesley Wilson. His arrival into our lives […]
Verde is a fantastic fresh- mex restaurant in Meyers, CA. Katy and Domi, the fabulous owners behind it, asked me to shoot some artwork for their walls. Here’s an outtake featuring my lil’ man in his hand modeling debut!
You don’t see babies on my site too often. Well, not really at all. Truth is, until I have my own, I won’t quite comprehend that they aren’t as breakable as I think. In the six years since I left the east coast, every other friend of mine has had a baby, my little neice […]